
4 Things You Must Do Before A Long Trip

All of the following tips are directed towards people planning a longer trip than most people usually undertake. This might be anything from a three month South America trip to a soul-searching journey lasting a more than a year. Let’s take a closer look…



Settle your responsibilities
Are you a homeowner or renting a place to stay? If you have to pay monthly rental bills, then prepare in advance and notify your landlord ahead. In case of debts, make a thorough plan on how to pay them back while being abroad for more than just a few days or weeks. Also, having pets sets you up for a choice of either taking them on your trip (difficult, but rewarding) or arranging some temporary ownership solutions with your family or friends.



Do a lot of research
Being spontaneous on your trip is great, but do as much research as you can because this will ensure a much smoother travel experience. Learn everything you can about the local customs, typical tourist scams, and areas to avoid. The more you learn about the different aspects of your destinations beforehand, the more likely is the fact that you’ll save money and time just by knowing more.



Buy proper gear
Having a good backpack is essential, but there is a host of other things that might make your trip more comfortable. You can invest in a neck pillow if you plan to spend significant amount of time in airplanes and trains. If you are an avid book reader, then you might want to download an app for smartphones enabling you to carry a lot of e-books with you because doing this will decrease the load you have to carry on your back. Basically, there are a lot of small things that can help to make your trip easier.



Protect your health
Your health is your wealth, so take good care of it. Traveling to some parts of the world means that you have to vaccinate yourself against diseases you might not encounter in your home country. These maladies include malaria, typhoid fever, and Japanese encephalitis. Be sure to visit your local tropical diseases specialist or vaccination clinic to ensure having proper knowledge of possible dangers and how to prevent them in your particular destination(s). And it’s always a good idea to remember that traveling itself is great for your health. Click here to read a stellar article about the benefits!