INDREK KALD: Unforgettable travel memories, lessons from Traffel & more

In this post, we are publishing a short interview with Indrek Kald, so you can get to know the team behind Traffel a bit better.


How did you come up with the Big Idea aka Traffel?

I have been browsing different travel deal websites, blogs, and forums for almost a decade, mainly focusing on cheap long-haul flights. Hence, I’ve travelled repeatedly with low-priced tickets in the backpocket. For example, Europe to Japan for 130 euros, Venezuela for 265 euros, Hong Kong for 250 euros, India for 179 euros, Puerto Rico for 255 euros, etc. While working as an editor at a business daily, I realized that other people might be interested in such great deals, and that’s when I envisioned Traffel.
And then you collaborated with Henrik and Cinzia?

At first, I talked about the idea with Henrik Aavik. He had also worked at the same newspaper. Today, he’s an online marketing expert and partnering at a mobile app company; also, he has acquainted himself with the start-up field. After that, Henrik consulted with Cinzia Siig, who founded her very own tourism company, while barely 23 years old. Later, the company was acquired by a Finnish conglomerate. Cinzia liked our idea, and soon enough, all three of us formed a team.
What have you learned while working on Traffel?

Before Traffel, I thought that a good idea was the most important aspect when it comes to successful start-ups. Now I have understood that a great team capable of bringing the idea into life is even more important. Additionally, sufficient funding is crucial while getting the barrel rolling without many paying customers.
What are the two most unforgettable travel experiences you remember?

Spring 2002. Almost ten hours long bus ride from Arequipa to Cuzco in Southern Peru in order to visit Macchu Picchu was an unforgettable experience. The gravel road was filled with potholes and the scenery consisted of mountains, canyons, rivers, and many villages. I think the highest altitude was at 4500 meters. The views were magnificent, although the pitted road jolted and shook the passengers a lot in that forty years old Volvo bus.

Autumn 2012. Ten years later. We were on the river Yangtze doing a cruise for three days. We started near Chongqing and finished in Yichang, where the Three Gorges Dam is situated. This is the world’s largest hydroelectric dam and power station. Well, during the trip, the ferry made many stops a day so that travelers could visit a temple, village, or just some beautiful place. The locals gave us quite of a colorful experience, and a possible cultural shock!
How do you see Traffel in the future?

I believe that people will soon regard Traffel as a website, where you can find the biggest amount of amazing long-haul flight offers! Furthermore, you could subscribe to receive great offers in real time depending on your preferred point of departure or arrival.