
Important Travel Tips For A Safer Adventure

TIP #1
Let someone know where you are!

This is especially useful when going on hikes or to territories where safety can be a questionable matter. Just sending a text message to your friends and family letting them know where you are makes your trip safer. If anything happens, your loved ones can have a basic knowledge about your location. Sending out rescue troops or alerting the authorities can make a huge difference, the sooner it’s done, the better!

TIP #2
Stash your cash in different places!

Never keep all your cash in one place. Make sure to have different amounts in different places. It is good to find a smart place to hide your emergency funds. For example, you could hide the cash inside your dirty laundry bag, inside your shoes etc. Just think of a place no-one would think or want to look for it.

TIP #3
Always make a copy of your passport!

Before going on a trip make sure to take copies of your travel documents with you. That way, losing your passport is not the end of the world. Having the copy helps things turn out to be a lot smoother while applying for new travel documents abroad. Just like with cash, never keep your passport copy in the same place as the passport.

TIP #4
Be aware of possible travel scams!

Depending on the country you are visiting, it is good to do online research on local scams. Tourists often fall pray to these scams, so make sure you know what the most common one are before your trip. For example, entering a wrong visa office near a border or being tricked into taking illgal goods out of the country are more common than you would think.

TIP #5
Keep your eyes on your belongings!

In crowded places and public transportation, it is easy to be targeted by pickpockets. If possible, use pockets with zippers. It is even better to have secret compartments in your travel clothes. You do not need a fanny-pack, but you can find small discreet waistbags which you can put under your clothes.